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Married Life - Interactive Practice

Apasa pe "Asculta toate" si urmeaza instructiunile.Dupa ce deveniti comfortabil cu intreaga conversatie, jucati rolul persoanei A apasand pe butonul "Persoana A".Veti auzi numai persoana B de-a lungul conversatiei. Va fi liniste pentru dvs sa repetati propoztiile persoanei A. Faceti la fel pentru persoana B. Viteza conversatiei este cea originala. In cazul in care conversatia este prea rapida, folositi butonul "Pauza" ca sa opriti conversatia intre propozitii. Dupa ce ati practicat de cateva ori, veti putea vorbi repede ca un vorbitor de engleza original.

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hey Jane. How are you doing these days?"
B: "Hi Martha. Everything is perfect."
A: "Are you enjoying married life?"
B: "It couldn't be better. My husband is so supportive with my work and he helps around the house so much."
A: "You're so lucky. I hope to get married to a guy like that."
B: "I'm so happy. Even though we are both working, we get to spend a lot of time with each other in the evening and on the weekends."
A: "Do you guys do anything special?"
B: "In the evening, we just sit and talk over dinner. But on the weekend, we try to go out to the beach or hit a nice restaurant, or go to a nice cafe."
A: "Sounds like everything is great."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hey Stacy. What's going on?"
B: "I'm pretty tired these days."
A: "Why? You're not working so don't you have a lot of time on your hands?"
B: "I have so much house work to do. I have to take care of the kids, cook, clean, laundry, and the cycle never ends."
A: "How about your husband? Does he help much?"
B: "Not at all. He comes home and complains about his hard day at work. He expects me to do everything. He even wants me to feed him sometimes. Can you believe that?"
A: "That sucks."
B: "If he wasn't so lazy, I think I wouldn't have any complaints. He mows the lawn, but can you believe he tried to convince me to do it?"
A: "That's crossing the line."
B: "Oh well. I'll have to live with it. What else can I do?"

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